Authorization of the ByteGPT

Error Cause:
This error was caused by the Widget not being authorized, interrupting the Byteio API's communication with the Kommo.
It is recommended that the widget authorization is not revoked, so that the ByteGPT continue to function normally.
If this occurs, it is necessary to take some internal actions.
To resolve this error, you need to contact one of our WhatsApp representatives. Simply fill out a support request using the form explaining what happened.
This way, we will modify your installation of ByteGPT so that you can download your templates.
Keeping the widget authorization active is essential for the continued functioning of the ByteGPT. If your authorization is revoked, our team is ready to help: just request support using the form and describe what happened. We will then be able to adjust your installation to restore access to the templates and ensure communication with the Kommo.