Your ByteGPT is not working? Check these points:
- Download the Salesbot Template for your Assistant, within the Widget ByteGPT+ (Plus)
- Import into the Salesbots table
- Only test with the original Template active
1. The company’s plans Kommo ou ByteGPT Are they active?
Plano Kommo
Check whether your account Kommo is active, on the Advanced or Enterprise plan.
- To check, within your account Kommo, patch me Settings > Billing
Plano ByteGPT
To check whether your ByteGPT is active, you can open the widget from ByteGPT ou ByteGPT+ (Plus) listed in Kommo, and see if there is any message about the expired plan.
2. The salesbot ByteGPT is it active?
The salesbot corresponding to the ByteGPT, or a copy of it, must be active.

3. Are there other flows (salesbots) running?
4. Have break times been changed?
Se not have been changed, it's ok.
5. Did the condition (step 201) of "Lead: GPT | Answer" give #Attendant?
Se not, it's OK.
Se Yes, check Bot Flow. Ensure that the intent configured (in step 184 “Intent Prompt”) for lead questions is not directing the answer to “#Attendant”, in step 201, as this will make the bot stall to respond automatically.
You can change the options in the intention prompt, in step 184 and make the conditions you deem necessary in step 201, depending on your business, as well as delete the “Stop robot” step.
6. Do you have a balance on OpenAI?
Check if there is a balance or credit in your OpenAI account.
Within your OpenAI account, go to Settings > Billing and check the “Overview” tab to see if there is a balance in “Credit balance”.
Or directly access this link to check:
For ByteGPT work, with OpenAI, you must have a balance in the account (Credit balance).

7. Does your API Key correspond to the same project as your Assistant, on OpenAI?
Check that the Project name in OpenAI is the same, both for the API Keys and for the Assistant.
Look at the top left of your Organization Name / Project Name.
"Bytebio /Default project”, in API keys
"Bytebio /Default project”, in Assistants
The API Key used must correspond to the same Assistant project, if the assistant used is OpenAI.
8. Have you checked whether the "GPT | Log" field is "ok" or whether OpenAI is experiencing instability?
Check the “GPT | Log”
Check if the Log field is returning “ok” or check for instabilities in OpenAI, through this link:
If you have “ok”, he is well. This means that OpenAI is communicating with your account Kommo and ByteGPT it's working.
Instabilities in OpenAI
If it is not ok, with a message other than “ok”, check if there is instability in OpenAI, through this link:
Check possible error messages and what to do, through this article: “Troubleshooting: Common Error Messages ByteGPT"
9. Do you have a translator in your browser (Google Translate) active?
Check if you have any translation enabled in your browser, such as Google Chrome. Activating translation may generate some anomalies in the behavior of salesbots or messages to be sent to customers, as well as changing the name of fields in salesbots, from Kommo.
Disable translation, if it is working, here:
And if you want to change the language of your account, the Kommo allows you to select your preferred language in the profile settings.
To do this, click on your profile picture at the top left and select the option in the “Language” field. Or access the url https://[accountname]
10. Does the last downloaded template match your last installation?
It is common for people to uninstall and reinstall the ByteGPT and that is why it is important to know that with each installation, new fields are created in “Leads”, grouped within a tab called “ByteGPT+”. If you uninstalled and reinstalled, it will create another tab with something like “ByteGPT+ 2”. However, a template must also be downloaded that corresponds to these respective fields.
11. The widget ByteGPT You have the appropriate permissions on your account Kommo?
Check whether the widget ByteGPT is duly authorized in Settings > Integrations > Select Widget “ByteGPT” > “Authorization” tab.

- Uninstall the Widget using “Uninstall”
- Install again the widget ByteGPT
- Fill out the form, entering the data again
- Reload the page (refresh your browser page)
If after following these steps the problem persists, we recommend contacting our technical support directly for further investigation.
You can activate the chat at the bottom and right of the page for personalized assistance or schedule a call or meeting using the link: to get help specific to your case.